In 2020, The Pineapple Projects started small with one family and a single storage unit. But just as our mission grew, so did the outpouring of love and donations from the community. We moved into a 1,600 square foot warehouse in January of 2021. To date, we have created 33 beautiful spaces for 120 beautiful people! New family nominations and home good donations flow in daily, so here we are again. We have outgrown our space and need to raise the funds to move to a bigger space so that we can help more families. Will you help us?
It’s time to grow with the flow!
Join us for a celebration event of The Pineapple Projects 2 year anniversary serving local families in Pinellas County. Our goal is to have fun, spread some cheer, and raise money so that we can continue serving our neighbors in need.
Online Silent Auction
Bidding starts Sunday, August 14 at 5:00 pm online and ends Friday, August 19th at 7:45 pm!
Click here or any image below to get more info and bid!
You do not need to be present to win.
Event Day Raffles & Swag
The fun continues for those that attend the event in person. Take your chances at one of the raffles and don't forget to grab one of The Pineapple Project logo Koozies to keep your pint cold.
Thank You Sponsors
We sincerely appreciate all of our partners and their contributions and good will.
Event Sponsors

Auction Sponsors
Raffle Sponsors
Food Sponsors

The organization is organized in accordance with the Florida Not For Profit Corporation Act, as amended. The organization has not been formed for the making of any profit, or personal financial gain. The assets and income of the organization shall not be distributable to, or benefit the trustees, directors, or officers or other individuals. The assets and income shall only be used to promote corporate purposes as described below. Nothing contained herein, however, shall be deemed to prohibit the payment of reasonable compensation to employees and independent contractors for services provided for the benefit of the organization. This organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal income tax. The organization shall not endorse, contribute to, work for, or otherwise support (or oppose) a candidate for public office. The organization is organized exclusively for purposes subsequent to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.